Extension of Aqaba International School / Hall

Extension of Aqaba International School / Hall

In 2008, ConEx was contracted by the Aqaba Development Company (ADC) – the central development corporation for the Aqaba Special Economic Zone established by both the Aqaba Special Economic Authorities (ASEZA) and the Government of Jordan in 2004 to work on the extension of the Aqaba International School. The project was consisted of two phases described as follows: 
1. Phase one: Scope included construction of the school’s permanent building with a total area of 4295 m2, comprising of three floors classes, four floors administration building and a cafeteria building. Furthermore, ConEx carried external works for the above-mentioned including,but not limited to,a boundary wall walkway, asphalt roads and piping networks. 

Year Completed2010

Location:  Aqaba – Jordan